Bogdan Butoi
Bogdan has over 25 years of experience of leading business, technology and development teams across technology, pharmaceuticals and utilities. Bogdan has worked in companies of all sizes, from startups to Apple and Johnson and Johnson (J&J). In 1997 Bogdan became the third employee of Animas Corporation, a medical device company that went public in 2004 and was purchased by J&J in 2005 for $500MM. In 2013, Bogdan created a medical data collection and analytics company that was a subsidiary for Endo Pharmaceuticals. After that, he was part of a group of executives and investors that divested Therakos from J&J and sold it 22 months later to Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals for $1.2B. Bogdan was part of 17 M&As and 3 divestitures. In 2018, Bogdan took the Comma OpenPilot software and ported it to the pre-AutoPilot Tesla Model S. He created the model for Automatic Lane Change as well as full integration with the Tesla instrument cluster and sensors. In 2019, Bogdan was part of the CANucks team that won the Car Hacking Village competition at DEFCON 2019, the largest security conference in the world.